Frogparking a Finalist in Parking Awards in Australia

Written by Frogparking


Published on August 6, 2021

Parking industry Awards

Parking awards news for the Frogparking team

In particular, for CEO, Shareena Sandbrook, who welcomed the news they were a finalist in the recent 2021 Australian Parking Industry Awards.

Throughout the COVID-19 lockdowns, Shareena worked with her team on developing a White Paper on industry trends. Ultimately, it was called Parking, Mobility, and Transportation in the Post-Pandemic World; a White Paper by Frogparking. By the same token, was nominated and has been selected as a finalist in the Outstanding Marketing and Communications category.

What’s it all about?

The white paper was released in early June 2021 and used real data from a wide range of sources across the transport and mobility industry. In particular, to identify the size and scale of the changes resulting from Covid-19. As a result, starting a conversation about challenges the transportation and mobility industry will face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We all know that COVID-19 has changed the world and the way we do things forever. Moreover, many of the practices adopted to fight against the virus are now the new norm. People are getting vaccinated and businesses, college campuses, and cities are reopening their doors. However, essentially in a new world. Parking is no different,” says Sandbrook.

What was missing?

“We noticed a void. Previously, there has been no shortage of thought pieces about how the pandemic is changing the world. However, within the parking, transportation, and mobility industry, no hard data about the size and scale of the challenges on the horizon. Resulting in a lack of solutions for how to change parking as a product as a result. Accordingly, our white paper fills that void.

What was the end-result?

“The white paper revealed that even as people get vaccinated, COVID-19 restrictions ease, and people return to public places at pre-pandemic levels, usage of transit stations is down around 40% compared to pre-pandemic levels, with many saying that they will never return.

Why a ‘White Paper’?

“According to our website analytics, over 13,000 people have now read the white paper. Additionally, it was really important to us that the information in the white paper was easy to read and understand. This is so that nothing was lost. Consequently, that’s why we chose an interactive, web-based format for the white paper.

“It took many weeks of research, draft copies, and hours refining design and promotion. Indeed, it’s very pleasing to have received this recognition from Australia’s industry body.

What are the Parking Awards?

The Parking Industry Awards celebrate the achievements of organisations. Predominately for teams who attain the highest industry standards through the use of technology, innovation and the development of outstanding facilities. The Awards will be held in October, in conjunction with the Parking Australia Convention and Expo in Adelaide.
























About Frogparking

Frogparking stands as a global leader in comprehensive parking management solutions, committed to delivering cutting-edge technologies that redefine the future of parking management. With a focus on data analytics, accessibility, safety, and end-user experiences, Frogparking continues to push the boundaries of innovation in the parking industry.

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